Thursday 3 October 2013

Dhammapada 367

Posted by drdoof on 12-07-2013, 8:14 AM :

Verse 367:
He who does not take the mind-and-body aggregate (nama-rupa) as "I and mine",
and who does not grieve over the dissolution (of mind and body)

is, indeed, called a Bhikkhu.

Dhammapada 365 - 366

Posted by drdoof on 12-07-2013, 8:13 AM :

Verse 365:
One should not despise,
what one has received (by proper means),
nor should one envy others their gains.
The Bhikkhu, who envies others
cannot attain Concentration (samādhi).

Verse 366:
Though he receives only a little,
if a Bhikkhu does not despise,
what he has received (by proper means),
the devas will surely praise him
who leads a pure life and is not slothful.

Dhammapada 364

Posted by drdoof on 12-07-2013, 8:12 AM :

Verse 364:
The Bhikkhu who abides in the Dhamma,
who delights in the Dhamma,
who meditates on the Dhamma, and
is ever mindful of the Dhamma,
does not fall away from the Dhamma of the virtuous.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Dhammapada 363

Posted by drdoof on 10-07-2013, 9:15 AM :

Verse 363:
The Bhikkhu who controls his mouth (speech),
who speaks wisely with his mind composed,
who explains the meaning and the text of the Dhamma
— sweet are the words of that Bhikkhu.

Dhammapada 362

Posted by drdoof on 10-07-2013, 9:13 AM :

Verse 362:
Mastering the hands.
Mastering the feet.
Mastering the speech.
Mastering the thoughts.
Highest Master of Mind;
concentrated and composed,
content in secluded solitude,
such one is called a Bhikkhu

Dhammapada 360 - 361

Posted by drdoof on 10-07-2013, 9:12 AM :

Verse 360:
Restraint in the eye is good,
good is restraint in the ear;
restraint in the nose is good,
good is restraint in the tongue.

Verse 361:
Restraint in body is good,
good is restraint in speech;
restraint in mind is good,
good is restraint in all the senses.
A Bhikkhu restrained in all the senses is freed from all ills (samsara dukkha).

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Dhammapada 356 - 359

Posted by drdoof on 07-07-2013, 2:29 PM :

Verse 356:
Weeds damage fields;
lust spoils all beings.
Therefore, giving to those free from lust

yields great benefit.

Verse 357:
Weeds damage fields;
ill will spills all beings.
Therefore, giving to those free from ill will

yields great benefit.

Verse 358:
Weeds damage fields;
ignorance spoils all beings.
Therefore, giving to those free from ignorance

yields great benefit.

Verse 359:
Weeds damage fields;
covetousness spoils all beings.
Therefore, giving to those free from covetousness

yields great benefit.